Wednesday 10 October 2012

Gummy Bear Sticks

I made these candy sticks - Gummy Bear Sticks - over the weekend with Thanksgiving in mind.

They are so cute. After I made them I realized that they reminded me of the multi-coloured corn that comes around during Thanksgiving - this stuff:

The Gummy Bear Sticks were really easy to make. 

Per stick, all you will need is:

1 1/2 dozen candy pieces - I used real fruit gummy bears
A stick with a point - You could buy these at the craft store, but I just used shish kabob skewers that I had in my kitchen
A bag to cover the stick - These are from the craft store and were packaged for pretzels but they worked perfect for this
Something to tie it all together - I was looking for twine in my wrapping paper box but didn't have any but untwisted the handle of a paper Levi's bag instead

I originally wanted to stack the gummy bears vertically but once it was pricked, the sticky part was exposed and it made it difficult to slide down. So I opted to put them on vertically and it made it less of a challenge and I think probably looks better then up and down.

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