I've been wanting to try icing a cake using an ombre technique but I haven't had an occasion until last night when I decided that I didn't need one. So off I went to make a mess in the kitchen to create 3 different shades of purple icing.
An issue I always have is thinking I don't need as much icing as I actually do. From now on, I am just going to make a huge batch and if I have extra I'm sure I'll be able to find a use for it (most likely freeze it for the time being). Lately I have been having to make extra along the way and that really puts a damper on the fun decorating part.
Since I was just making the cake for the heck of it I wasn't too concerned about the doming effect that was going on with the cake. Normally I flip over the top layer so the curved part is in the middle which will give you a straight top surface if you fill the instead with enough icing around the outside portion to keep it from settling down (and curving the top) but I cut each layer into two more making it a four layer cake which resulted in it still somehow curving - which I guess was fine for the purpose. I think I am going to buy one of those cake cutters that will slice off the dome that ALWAYS happens when I bake cakes and I will be able to avoid the layers from leaning if they aren't even.
Anyway....this is the result.
Looks good to me.