Sunday 29 April 2012

Here I Am

WOW! So here I am - writing my very first blog entry! I have been meaning to create one for quite some time now and after a couple of times sitting down and being faced with all the codes and scripts, I finally realized that it wasn't too daunting afterall - and it was actually quite quick to put together!

My motivation to put together this blog is that I feel I have so much to share! My boyfriend and I recently bought a place and we are slowly but surely making it our own. It is with this transition that I have been much more involved in baking and cooking and small projects around the house. With Pinterest and the huge array of other people's blogs, inspiration has definitely kicked in. I am going to post the process and results of many of these here to share with you.

I hope that you will find my blog - Wilma: Loft Living - at the least useful for your own inspiration and hopefully entertaining as well.

In the coming weeks I hope to start filling up the categories with posts. Revisit as often as you can!

Stay tuned.


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