Monday 30 April 2012

Intro to Our Home

Josh and I have been together for just over 4 years now. He grew up in Vancouver, which is a complete contrast to where I grew up - up north in a small town. Two summers ago we moved in together to a beautiful condo....only problem was....we were paying someone elses mortgage payments!! The price of rent was almost double of what we were paying separately while living apart. I couldn't justify it and set a hopeful 1 year limit to staying there. Josh had the view that everyone rented if they lived here, and my view was the opposite - I needed to buy a place! As a young couple (26 years - me and 31 years - Josh) we could only afford so much, especially in the area that we were living. The only solution was to move outward - Burnaby is where we call home now.

We compromised between location, age of building, size and price. We could have A) stayed in Vancouver and bought something within our price range within a newly (or nearly new) condo that was a tiny one bedroom or B) do what we did and bought a suite outside of Vancouver in an older building for the same price but double the size!

As of October 2011 we are very happy to be official homeowners!!

I'll post pictures to share in a bit!

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