Monday, 30 April 2012

Growing Green Onions from Scraps

Who knew? I sure didn't! But you can take the bottom root piece of that green onion you just cut up for your nachos and re-grow it!!! Am I the only person who thinks this is amazing?

All you have to do is take that bottom piece - it really doesn't matter how dried up or small it is, it will refresh itself - and place the root in shallow water and watch it grow.

Just break off what you need and they will continue to grow!

*I thought I would get more bang for my buck by cutting one root end in half and have it grow into two but it doesn't seem to be working for me - it has been sitting in water for over a week and there haven't been any sprouts - I could have just separated it in an awkward spot though. Does anyone know if this can be done?


  1. I had no idea u could do this! So cool!!

  2. It's very cool. You can do it with a lot of things...left over pieces of ginger, the bottom of a regular onion, the top of a pinapple even! Although, pinapple is suppose to take 2-3 years for the plant to bloom fruit.
